Frage von jennyelfchen:
I have a really big problem, at least so desperate that I'm close to my LT klitzekleine to suggest anger. The following problem with the Sony Vegas Movie Studio 8.0 Trial version:
Whenever I want to create a movie, either 1.Sek only, or only the sound and a black screen!
Synonymous, since I'm not so knowledgeable, I know not synonymous, because of this loop or the like is, and hot like the other things you can optionally tick. Actually, I leave the format up to avi or wmv ... but somehow no preference, as I do, only a black screen and I have sound: ((. I have something of my digicam filmed and then edited it, not even very expensive and with music background. I usually choose from:
On X hard drive store
-> Avi for windows
-> Standart template
Video project stretching and auto markers are checked ... meanwhile, I have several versions, in which I simply try everything out, hoping someday I have picture, but it is not.
Audio: 44,100 Hz, 16 bit, Stereo
Video: 29.970 fps, 720x480x32
This is the description for the above items is chosen. : (Oh man, I could really break out in tears, there is a lot of effort is ..> <and now it fails s.meiner inability, I hope someone here can help me, I would be very grateful!: [
lg: (
Antwort von wolfgang:

Do you have the Render dialog "Only Loopregion" selected? Then it would be an explanation of why he sent you a very short piece renders.
Furthermore, you will probably with a PAL device have filmed, I guess times - then you should be in the project settings but 720x576 with 25 fps setting (or simply the project template). For at least the 29.97 fps, the NTSC settings, such as those in the U.S. are common, but not for us.
Antwort von Webspider:

deffinitiv, this problem can be solved! You should maybe write in what format and frame size in which the original video is available. In addition, you should let us know in what format the finished video to render. Only then you can quite clearly and write what settings you need to make in order to render all the work. I'm synonymous think when you render the loop region have selected. Do you know what that means? You need the loop region, for example, to view while editing a certain timeline section several times to be able to play. Or, to advance, for example. for control purposes, only a portion of the timeline to render. Would you clarify this point now? Supi!
So long,
Antwort von jennyelfchen:

Thank you so much already for the answers! So I've now geguckt what a format is there and says: Microsoft ADPCM and XVID for video compression. So when the video properties.
@ Wolfgang: 720x576 with 25 fps Setting <<how do I set a? What do I have to dial?
Mhm So actually I need it as medium in size, so 720 * 570 in the direction.
Danke schon mal für eure Antworten!! :) * Freu *
EDIT: And should Ausgansformat avi or so, so at least that it is playable with Picture and hard drive on the left, and I wanted it to youtube upload. So with no DVD or whatever.
Antwort von wolfgang:

These are the basic things - the projects settings are found under File (File) / Properties, and then the data should be used according to the source material set.
XVID? Thou art but not of a camcorder, and because it may very well be the case that this material is exactly the cause of your problems. Vegas is designed for movie late, and the cut in case there is no rule XVID, but rather DV, HDV or AVCHD.
Antwort von jennyelfchen:

What do you mean for movie end? I filmed it? I got to a stage appearance was filmed of friends and wanted to cut something together, because not everything is good (sound) ... > <Now I know not why I am a non-qualified film end?
Antwort von wolfgang:

Vegas is synonymous likes of gamers used to playing some recordings of cutting. And especially coming from the corner again and again the actions, because then the problems with DivX or XVID in Vegas get.
I had already understood that you are of what a camcorder had written - only sign of the now almost always in DV or mpeg2 on, and these materials can be significantly better synonymous with Vegas edit. Or it is an extreme exotics.
It has therefore less with any classification / skill to do more than that your problems synonymous use of this material could originate.
What is the camcorder - and XViD is really the original source material like this? The better it would be natural, DV or mpeg2 cutting. Emergency, you could be the material with various tools ala Virtualdub convert back, but this one has always holding a little image loss.
Antwort von jennyelfchen:

Hab ne Samsung L700 ... mhm, I'm still überfragt how I picture it now can get oo so there's no easy way, which is the rendering, ie the things you can adjust as simply solve it? * SFZ: (*
Antwort von wolfgang:

The devices here? That would be really more of a camera, rather than a camcorder ... synonymous small video when he can. The material to be cut is certainly not easy, is probably a variant of mpeg4.
If you want to film, at least, would be a simple camcorder probably more useful.