Infoseite // DSLR: "Good sound is expensive," Beachtek DXA vs 5DA. Juiced Link DT 4

Frage von lehrling76:

Which of the micro amp s.einer DSLR would recommend your rather? or maybe something completely different? My concern with the best possible sound record (; to a somewhat reasonable price) ...

Both devices are priced about the same.

Juiced Link DT 454

Beachtek DXA 5DA

Money is for something more like what enormously better? Or are the two devices with the best price performance ratio?

Alternatively to the Beachtek DXA 5DA I had the opportunity to opt ne BeachTek used DXA (10; for 157 ¬) to buy:

If BeachTek should be: would it do, used the synonymous?
- How important is the display at the sound levels?
- Is there quality loss when I left the OUT signal Feeders me what my headphones?

For a speedy response, I would be super mega grateful.

PS: As MIcro I have the Sennheiser EW 135-P G2:


Antwort von rush:


So I find a display / display is always of advantage ... immediately you see the wriggling and what comes ...
Do you have a camera but to you the level of the display of view, it is not so important to have the synonymous s.Gerät.

A headphone output should bring both of these devices so that you have nothing extra as synonymous "abzwacken" ... At least with the Beachtek display's description, according to a headphone output and I think the other devices synonymous.

I take the spark gap to just about the Zoom H2 ... You have to create then stop only after the sound ... added separately but the Kameraatmo continued)


Antwort von lehrling76:

Is not it awkward "every time" record the sound separately? Also I had been thinking about it. However, I think if everything is in a "box", I later processing but is a lot easier?


Antwort von B.DeKid:

What kind of ne VDSLR you?


Antwort von lehrling76:

Did yesterday but now the NEx VG10 given back and will buy today or tomorrow to GH2. (Either here in the media market with the 14-42mm Lens or Internet with the 14-140s Lens) ...'m still s.recherchieren Whether 500 ¬ difference, it is synonymous value ...

why? :) Haste Tip? Experience could be useful to me?


Antwort von B.DeKid:

Noe I just wanted to know because it can play so well at such adapters ne role concerning sound quality.

B. DeKid


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