Frage von Emanuel aus Salzburg:
Dear Community!
MAGIX Video Deluxe 2006 PLUS s.der import fails (or playing ...) of. Avi files?
The filmed. Avi files I have using the Casio Exilim S600 station via USB port on my desktop withdrawn.
I filmed the tests. Avi into the program MAGIX Video Deluxe 2006 PLUS to import / upload I get the message:
"The format of the file CIMG0123.avi can not be read."
I open the same file with Windows Movie Maker lets you easily edit and when. Wmv file. This. Wmv, but then again it already with the MAGIX software open ... -> Expenses, loss of quality ... ; /
This can surely not be? -Finally, the program MAGIX yes predestined to be just for hobby filmmakers to be suitable. And then, it appears already during the initial capture of naked on the hard drive stored. Avi as unkompatibel!
I have all codecs installed in Windows Media Player and DivX mandrel.
with sincere request for assistance
& Lg aus Salzburg
zum Bild
Antwort von Markus:
This can surely not be? -Finally, the program MAGIX yes predestined to be just for hobby filmmakers to be suitable. Hello Emanuel,
I would like to briefly note: Magix processed a lot of the things amateur filmmakers reveal everything, even pictures of these unspeakable DVD and some HDD camcorders. But in the hochkomprimierten clips Digiknipse one hears the "amateur filmmakers" definitely on. This is actually not for a video post-thought.
What can you do? Convert this AVI file with the Movie Maker in DV-AVI to edit and the next with Magix. A simpler solution, it will probably not happen.
Antwort von Pirat:

Briefly summarized, one could formulate it as synonymous:
MAGIX Video Deluxe 2006 PLUS may simply not true. Unlucky ....
Well, the Ulead program something?
or how it looks with open source - freeware video editing from the area?
zum Bild mfg.
Antwort von breakable:

eg.: FREE!
btw: the small casio.avis with Movie Maker in DV-avi convert the file sizes are increased in areas unreasonable! what previously was 32 MB in size is 1.43 GB big.
Antwort von breakable:

hab mich synonymous in other forums umgehört and the problem does not seem to be new ...
I use Magix Video Deluxe 2005/2006 Plus. Unfortunately, I can in the program does not import AVI files, which I with my Canon Powershot took. With Movie Maker works without problems, for example, synonymous Other Programs recognize the avi format.
The following error message appears when Magix: "The file can of Magix ... ... not be read."
Under "Program Settings" the import format to disable synonymous has not helped. It works only if I predict the movie with VirtualDub to save uncompressed and then import. This is me but is too cumbersome and consumes vast amounts of space.
Maybe someone knows a solution to this problem?
Thanks in advance, Cohen
Of Thero created s.18.12.05 17:36
hm .. have the same prob. because the only avi file in movie maker and download as wmv (best qualified) to export, then load Magix ..
Free conversion software can forget .. to make it only 69% of the clip and sone jokes ..
Of tedgo created s.23.12.05 10:19
Magix Video Deluxe takes AviSynth scripts at?
That would be lossless, as the intermediate step with the conversion to WMV.
AviSynth Simply install the text editor and open a file with the following contents:
AVISource ( "Path to File")
With the extension *. avs in store and download Magix Video Deluxe (alternatively you can specify the source AVISourde filter of DirectShow source filter necessary to source!)
If the AVI to play on your system, it will allow you to synonymous on this detour in the program.
Magix06 clearly was probably a bad 30eu then): ( Now about the last question: What kind of a program (<30eu) can do that .. ?
Antwort von Genorade:

I have now synonymous beyond researched the problem to konkrtisieren.
The Magix 06 fails, inter alia s.lesen files with the following characteristics:
File: 32 MB (32 MB), duration: 0:07:07, type: AVI, 1 audio track (s), quality: 11%
Video: 29 MB, 585 Kbps, 14,985 fps, 320 * 240 (4:3), M4S2 = MS ISO MPEG4 V2, U
Audio: 2.27 MB, 44 Kbps, 11025 Hz, 1 channels, 0x11 = IMA ADPCM, Supported
thx to: AVIcodec 1.2
Antwort von Genorade:

Hello - I have my opinions with the Magix Still Image to CD and DVD can import and it can burn dvds, perhaps helping the ja ...
I do cut the avis with virtual dub.
Ulead VideoStudio is synonymous to read and edit avis ....
Antwort von StefanS:

Antwort von Genorade:

had the same problems with the avi from my Fuji F700: Magix VdL 2004 + with the avi could not start after I added Pinnacle Studio 9 installed, there's suddenly synonymous for VdL no problem with it. Edius 3 and 4 can not read again, Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 without any problems (Pinnacle and Magix no longer installed). So is more or less a matter of luck whether and what cuts the software with the Motion JPEG avi packaged versions for them.
Antwort von Jan:

AVI is just the container, you must know what format it is.
DV is synonymous in the AVI container. The Casio S 600 works with MPEG 4, Divx, but no (there are about synonymous since the latest S 600 D), the codec must XVID or MS was similar to - no idea.
Canon uses Motion JPEG as written - for all 2006 models, Fuji Quick Time Motion JPEG & Motion JPEG, both in AVI container.
Magix is probably more difficult to deal with, probably after conversion with converters. Zb the Total Video Converter.