Frage von Pipowitsch:
So, I have a small problem Chen ...
I can easily premiere of sequences in AE copy, the problem is only when I close both programs and then reopen AE project, the file is missing
(After Effects Warning: 1 File since the last save of the project no longer exists).
I need it every time again purely by I invite premiere open, copy the sequence and insert in AE.
And the next question: How do I get the finished file back again in Premiere (everything possible lossless)?
Have already searched everywhere but found no solution.
Maybe you can help me yes. Thank you
Antwort von Mylenium:

What is your directory structure? The AE Project must be within the Premiere project folder is because copy & paste stuff with relative paths will be added (strictly speaking, with their numerical sequence identifier from premiere) and thus outside clips not be seen. Otherwise you can leave at any time replace deien clips ... and back to Pro: Render with verlustfreiem CoDec or dynamic link.
Antwort von Pipowitsch:

May super,
many thanks, you saved me a week ...
I would never come out ...
works wonderfully ...
in addition to ... how should I do in AE to export, so what precisely as possible so that I can export losses.
and how to premiere the film if I then export as well qualified and wants to burn dvd?
Antwort von Mylenium:

Well something lossless (at Binärebene) compressed halt after premiere. Quicktime animation, PNG, JPEG2000 or image sequence. Then in first in the sequence and paste the timeline to render. If the clip is not complete back after PPro has, you can directly synonymous to DVD MPEG-2 render from AE. More info -> Manual / Online Help. If only a few keywords on the topic of me. On the subject of proper encoding of DVD material, there's all the Books, so the first try Standardpresets, with problems in the appropriate forum ask.
Antwort von Pipowitsch:

Aja ... Thank you for the info