Frage von der weini:Hello,
I had put on me recently, the program Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 and am not yet quite firm with all the features ...
I mostly movies with 25 fps (25p) and have now the question is how can I capture to import this material in Premiere Pro 2.0 /. In the format selection s.Anfang are my only plain Pal or NTSC and PAL with 24p for Choice. I want my shots with 24p capture, or is there somewhere still a function for 25p?
Thank you for your answers.
Antwort von blaujanina:
has long been working with Premiere 2.0 at my pal's normal 25p
Antwort von Markus:
If there s.Anfang startup of APP no matching template, then you Make it just a ...?!