Frage von Sascha Schwarz:
I cut my films so far with Avid Xpress, because I have quite a lot in public broadcasting and then stop working "Avid" means the election is and I thought that - if I have such an extensive software to learn - then synonymous to the in such channels is widespread.
Now I have to confess that with Avid video effects are extremely difficult and costly to implement and are a consumer software such as "Magix" things for which I need with Avid days:)
Hence the question: Can anyone of you a little picture quality for both Programs in Comparison to say? And: Is there maybe someone in the range of Dusseldorf, the one with Magix software cuts and where I look at the handling of the program times could be? Hab da namely a few questions.
Many greetings
Antwort von youseejo:

Hi Sascha,
I come from close of Dusseldorf and working with Avid Liquid and had previously worked with Magix.
My opinion: The more intensive training in Avid's worth in any case.
Gruß Jo
Antwort von joerg-emil:

Hi Jo,
Avid Liquid, but now, unfortunately, has nothing do with Avid Xpress common, the workflow is an entirely different and more with consumer software to compare.
@ Sascha:
I have been synonymous Xpress s.Avid tried and was slain of the program. This was totally my bad English. Since I already had for many years working with Magix, I then have remained synonymous with. But I would advise anyone with Avid is really set apart from many sides, I hear that it is in any case worthwhile. For me, it became synonymous but simply the question of cost.
Whether your HDV or DV material now with Magix or Avid ausrenderst, because you will not have any difference. A friendly editors regularly for several transmitters with Avid cuts has confirmed to me. But of course, Avid offers more possibilities such as color correction and keying hinsichtich.
It is therefore important to do what you want or need. Also, the question is which format your transmitter is required. Magix can halt synonymous only in DV or HDV auspielen.
Since I come from Cologne, kannste look like times past.
Gruß Jörg-Emil
Antwort von immanuelkant:

Hi Sacha,
throw 'synonymous but take a look at Pinnacle Studio 12 (plus or ultimate).
Previously had with the "professional tool" Avid Liquid'm working and then to Pinnacle Studio 11/12 changed because of the same experiences and reflections that you have now synonymous.
Personally, I was amazed how fast I am now with Pinnacle Studio produces results.
Unlike the diesbzgl. disreputable predecessor, Pinnacle Studio version is in the latest versions 100% stable (the code has been completely renovated) and is synonymous superperfomant under Vista64 (if that is of importance).
Although I know the Magix software is not from my own use, but have heard that there are more bugs than there should be at the Pinnacle and Magix synonymous unstable should be (hearsay).
Antwort von KSProduction:
I cut my films so far with Avid Xpress, because I have quite a lot in public broadcasting and then stop working "Avid" means the election is and I thought that - if I have such an extensive software to learn - then synonymous to the in such channels is widespread.
Now I have to confess that with Avid video effects are extremely difficult and costly to implement and are a consumer software such as "Magix" things for which I need with Avid days:)
Hence the question: Can anyone of you a little picture quality for both Programs in Comparison to say? And: Is there maybe someone in the range of Dusseldorf, the one with Magix software cuts and where I look at the handling of the program times could be? Hab da namely a few questions.
Many greetings
Sascha magix dl 15 is really bildqualitativ sahne. you can check the program synonymous for 30 days free kostenl. ..... I think in
NEN download it must give
Antwort von Jogi:

Avid Liquid or Express play in an entirely different league. These are professional NLEs applications with different demands. If I'm between Liquid and Express would have to decide I would prefer liquid because price / performance. If liquid does not meet the requirements, then would be the Avid Media Composer the goal.
Really can professionally with Pinnacle Studio or synonymous Magix
does not work.
Antwort von KSProduction:
Avid Liquid or Express play in an entirely different league. These are professional NLEs applications with different demands. If I'm between Liquid and Express would have to decide I would prefer liquid because price / performance. If liquid does not meet the requirements, then would be the Avid Media Composer the goal.
Really can professionally with Pinnacle Studio or synonymous Magix does not work. apropos professionally: I have noticed that both in the official book magix as synonymous with a camcorder in the manufacturers manual says that a commercial use of the software's camcorders is not allowed.
someone knows what this is has? my request s.die manufacturers were not telling / poor answer.
events for commercial use are finally reached quickly ...
Antwort von Markus73:
apropos professionally: I have noticed that both in the official book magix as synonymous with a camcorder in the manufacturers manual says that a commercial use of the software's camcorders is not allowed.
someone knows what this is has? Magix information of employees on this issue: It is forbidden to use special features of the software "weiterzuvermarkten" such as the Soundtrack Maker, for example, to enable a "dubbing service" offering.
For a commercial use in the sense that it cuts against pay movies, on the other hand, is nothing.
Antwort von immanuelkant:

Really can professionally with Pinnacle Studio or synonymous Magix does not work. Well, what is professional? What is professional needs?
In the real sg. "Professional Software" hinder me at work are often countless Funktionsbottons or I am in verhedere submenus and Controls, which I maybe 1x in 10 years need.
With Pinnacle Studio, for example, has found in 'null komma nix' a film mounted, cut set and title fabricates. Also s.sich color are no problem. You can also so in the special case of need to a lot of free and fee plugins targeted research.
The problem could possibly be the missing Multicamfunktion (limited number of picture and sound tracks) to be. But as long as man with only 1-2 cameras works is not the synonymous KO
It is simply all relative! Depends on what one particular case in order to make ...
Oh yes, relating to image quality: the difference is no way of each other, as long as the material is handled natively. Pinnacle Studio completely processed HDV natively, without any loss of quality.
Here is a classic on the subject: pro vs. "Amateur" software.
Antwort von domain:

[quote = "immanuelkant"]
Well, what is professional? What is professional needs?
In the real sg. "Professional Software" hinder me at work are often countless Funktionsbottons ...
If an NLE is not a primary example, 3-Wegefarbkorrektur permits, then it is sometimes professionally inappropriate.
I need as there is no general contrast-color or brightness settings, but only the numerically supported mainly Rotate s.Mausrädchen in 14 bars (3 general for light, medium and dark matches, and 9 are specific for each of 3 primary colors in these areas , and Hue and Saturation bar extra.
At least offer these features, but all higher NL editors and without these, it is not, or you can use the program immediately forgotten times.
On the way horsepower and can Magix so check times.
Antwort von Jogi:

Oh yes, relating to image quality: the difference is no way of each other, as long as the material is handled natively. Pinnacle Studio completely processed HDV natively, without any loss of quality.
... unless mehree Render operations through!