Infoseite // Re: pinnacle studio 9 plus create disc

Frage von erich vogt:

I have a film edited together of about 60 minutes and set to music (; of S-VHS cassettes imported). so far everything has worked, but got stuck a few times, but I've already read in the forum. now I am "create disc" and the point will create an image file. I've been trying 5 behind me and remains stuck every time the program s.anderer agency. when I click "Cancel" click the message is "not enough memory". All running on a Pentium 4 / 3, 2 GHz, 1 GB RAM, 2 hard disks of 200 GB, an internal, one external (; firewire). On both over 90 GB are free, the swap file I've already made to 10GB.
I the program with the external purchased pinnacle video adapter and have never worked before so maybe I'm just a little thing I overlooked. I do not know more next. Any ideas? or the labor of tens of hours for a & f?


Antwort von erich vogt:

"(; User Above) wrote:
: I have a film edited together of about 60 minutes and set to music (; of s-vhs
: Imported cassettes). so far everything has worked, though a few times
: Stuck, but I've already read in the forum. now I'm at the point
will "create disc" and create an image file. have been 5 attempts
: Behind me and every time the program remains stuck s.anderer agency. when I go to
"Cancel" click the message is "not enough memory". the
: All this runs on a Pentium 4 / 3, 2 GHz, 1 GB RAM, 2 hard disks of 200 GB, a
: Internal, one external (; firewire). On both over 90 GB are free,
: Page file I have put forward to 10GB.
: I have the program with the external purchased pinnacle video adapter and still
: Never before worked with it, maybe I've missed only a trifle. I
: Do not know more next. Any ideas? or is the work of tens of hours
: For a & f?

Addition: OS: Windows XP SP2


Antwort von bodo:

I understand that should the swap file more than 3 times the amount of RAM. So, with 512 MB RAM should be 1536 MB MAX.


Antwort von Markus:

"Erich Vogt" wrote: now I am "create disc" and the point will create an image file. I've been trying 5 behind me and remains stuck every time the program s.anderer agency.

Hi Eric,

not a few users of Pinnacle Studio acute heartburn get when they hear the name. ;-) Since there seems to be some give to rectify.

A similar problem appeared in the article "Studio CD burn Pinnacle" Render with Pinnacle Studio 9 "
All contributions to the Pinnacle Video Forum

Good luck!


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