Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Test: Test: Low-Light-Star out of control-of SonyHDR-XR520/500 rudi - 13 Mar 2009 11:22:00 > Finally, the HDR-XR520 synonymous for a short visit to our editorial vorbeigeschaut. But is the low-light-camera behavior really revolutionary? And finally, there is a manual exposure setting? Questions about issues that we are finally able to answer ...
Antwort von domain:

Interesting is that the Japanese are now so many have gained self-confidence that is not necessarily to Zeiss or Leitz lenses always the same thing, but sometimes synonymous Sony Or Konica-Minolta.
The X on .. more sensor seems negligible to be big. Everything pure Marketinggags. Because if I am with the JVC HD40 decidedly with 1 / 25 and the highest gain filme, then I guarantee the same light and color at 12 lux and that goes well for the whole class.
All just a question of noise filter, but the Sony is expected to be good law.
Antwort von weitwinkel:

the lowlightstärke is a pleasing thing
but it is not enough if the user does not
times s.eine HC3 ranreicht ...
and my GPS is something of no preference ... just like
the photo / video function of my handys ...
gruß cj
Antwort von Jan:

Hab ichs told - at least once right.
Antwort von WoWu:

The problem is that the noise filter synonymous make Picture blurred. No test made under such circumstances usable measurements ... the consumer will always be with the "colorful icon" left alone.
A comprehensible and of the EBU standard MTF measurement sensible comparison would be here.
Antwort von Stonehorn:

GPS is pretty synonymous to me s.der nose over! Good Lowlighteigenschaften or not. With so much money so few options? Ne Thanks!
Antwort von Fotofox:

For serious amateurs is that which delivers Sonyda hardly popular. The GPS gadget is highly expendable. Since you have a tip with innovative Sensorium electronics and resultant Aha-effect image quality and built around a Kotzkiste.
May be synonymous, since the large HD display no comfort. The really useful features then yes you can in 12 months and gracious public image as "innovation" for the so-called sophisticated Shakers later.
Antwort von Jan:

The magazine has a video Active Page dedicated to the GPS function. She was praised rather than blamed. A software is synonymous here.
I had the camera a few minutes in hand, and the function could not be properly tested - but it is already interesting (if not synonymous every need).
Antwort von Jan:

Hello Slashcam,
Sonyhat new details of the new cameras are presented:
Antwort von Jan:

For the very interested in technology, the complete PDF file, there is the GPS function synonymous detail and the digicams.
Antwort von andres27:

So today've now received the XR500. Be it tonight directly debug times ....
Antwort von Jan:

Common man you are, I've still not my grml ......
Antwort von Plenz:

I do not know what it is to praise it when a camera with a ridiculous 12-fold zoom makes good pictures. Where is the Consumer Camera with 25-times zoom and of comparable quality?
The times would be really a sensation.
Antwort von Jan:

She is in really Bildrauschen ne sensation, in my opinion, what is the best in the class.
For weak light film (or just like the user to film inside) with a maximum of 1300 ¬, it is interesting, ok Sonyhat the manual ways again! verbockt once.
Whether you now have GPS or not - that is debatable.
Instead of a possible 25 x optical zoom, I would Tonaussteuerung a manual, a manual shutter and free choice of aperture and gain in importance. But Will not Sony, Panasonic had möglicherwiese savvy and will make more sales.
Antwort von andres27:

Na super .....
As soon as the cam and have problems. Vllt can you help me yes.
And it .. unpacked .... correctly the first time and filmed aufeinmal switches the cam off. Have them back on and here comes the error message "overheated":
According handling should I make the Cam and a while s.einen cool place. This I have done. But they can not really turn on. It always comes back the error message.
What should I do now.
Does the dealer let me exchange it? (Hab ja noch wiederrufsrecht) or should I send them to Sony.
Did not really want them to be of Sonyreparieren ...
Antwort von domain:

If you are not just filmed in the sauna, you immediately return to the dealer.
And comfort you, for me it is normal for years that almost every third unit is defective and is decreasing.
The business community is a pretty fair exchange scheme (apart from the statutory right of return) is still significantly cheaper than decent quality checks before delivery. That's all already in the price into account, so no inhibitions.
Antwort von nachtspion:

I would send them back to me and another model (other manufacturers) to buy. They should have to remember that it does not. The Manufacturer of s.Ende working properly will be very grateful!
In any case I would let you repair if you have the 14-day right to return it. Then more and return the same Cam buy another times. At the end of the repair lasts maybe two months!
Antwort von Plenz:

Honestly, I see no reason for the HDR-XR520 to buy. If I were them with the DCR-SR11 compare, then brings them only in low-light area better assessments, but otherwise cuts the SR11 in the same or better s.and costs much less synonymous.
Antwort von Samagon:

Until now, I was always disappointed of the low-light quality of the SR11 and SonySR10
Thus, this new Sonyinteressant to be ...
But when is there now SonyHDR XR-500.
Are there on-line dealer with this Cam.
Antwort von Basti27:

Google will help, I've heard ....
Antwort von WideScreen:

At the time when PC5 I have the firmware could be hacked and Color Bars, manual and all Zebra Tonaussteuerung sowas use. Is safe at the Camera synonymous. Only knowing how, is difficult ...
Antwort von RappZapp:

Here is the draw of the image (1200 lux)
an error happened?
If you look at the picture and the same from the test of the Panasonic SD 300
side by side in the Explorer or Firefox tab loads, the Panasonic super Picture, Sony Cave of Bad.
Was at Sony Picture White Balance is not done?
If so, the Panasonic Picture to worlds better ... because of the 3 CCD?
The Panasonic picture is plastic, the gray of the wall seems to be synonymous in the original should look.
EDIT: WideScreen: And .. s.die firmware already makes range ?????
Antwort von nachtspion:
Here is the draw of the image (1200 lux)
an error happened?
If you look at the picture and the same from the test of the Panasonic SD 300
side by side in the Explorer or Firefox tab loads, the Panasonic super Picture, Sony Cave of Bad.
Unfortunately, the images in the test database as well as not meaningful. Unless you want exclusively a test database to check the automatic functions of the cameras compares. Because this is the case here, the images in automatic mode without user intervention. Since it may happen that one or the other picture looks darker than the camera could be adjusted by hand.
As far as I've noticed however, the XR520 is not the miracle Lowlight is some "desirable" has. The SD300 can certainly keep up since.
Antwort von RappZapp:

hmm .. but since the files are seen in You Tube (; Only what the subjective Picture, is not native) is different. So, just good. Very convincing.
Antwort von WideScreen:

EDIT: WideScreen: And .. s.die firmware already makes range ????? Nope, because I am not interested in the camera:)
Antwort von RappZapp:

WideScreen @
You seriously believe that this is possible?
How to get the s.die firmware dranß And ... you can only save the original?
Not that I would like to try it .. no idea.
But whether this really possible?
************************************************** **
SonyHDRXR 500VE (native)
Greeting ....
Antwort von Kanalratte:

The Camera is milestone for night owls:
If one morning wakes up, you know, thanks to GPS, where you're located and by the excellent low-light shots can be lost again to refresh memory.
Is still lacking an integrated mobile phone to the taxi call, either an alcohol tester, if you want to drive yourself.
Antwort von RappZapp:

The GPS can not be used such. Clearly, the exact data available. But as Navi, how many think not. There are indeed no roads shown.
But it is interesting to see where something has filmed. The other way ... if you as an example of the disk becomes full, you can see on the map, where one has filmed dozens ...(; "needles") on the map. And can then directly on the map the corresponding file and select Open.
Antwort von Jan:

It is already in a map reinzoomen or rauszoomen, only striking points described, I think you will cope, but (except for 100 small streets in a small space). Local districts are synonymous displayed.
Schön would be that fast a connection you would get, and not in spite of tens of minutes of free space would have to wait. The camera shows at least the Warscheinlichkeitsnetzanzeige on.
Antwort von RappZapp:
Schön would be that fast a connection you would get, and not in spite of tens of minutes of free space would have to wait. The camera shows at least the Warscheinlichkeitsnetzanzeige on. That is everybody so Navi ... So nothing unusual.
Antwort von Jan:

But no more 15 minutes, the digital camera Nikon P 6000 is yes, according test ever have needed 15 minutes - to recognize where it is. After 10 min, I have the XR 520 is canceled, because I do not hold forever can wait, she is ready. A welcome improvement to me but she has already shown, nevertheless, I was still in Paris at the Eiffel Tower (opening setting) - I would have to wait even longer and in the city dritteinwohnerstärksten Germany ....
Antwort von RappZapp:

hmm .. for me it works out fairly quickly ... certainly not 15 minutes. Würd ich mal watch ... maybe something is not ok.
Antwort von bgk:

As for the GPS receiver into the Sony:
As a general rule, all GPS receivers at the first start-up, and after they were long periods of time off and / or coarser Ortswechseln relatively long, until they can recognize the position, with the systemic nature (see
Almanac and Co. - especially the last two paragraphs). Therefore, almost 15 minutes to imagine - because no defect has yet to exist. Like in the camcorders is resolved, I can not say, but under normal circumstances should the GPS signal - a clear view of the sky and a few reflections (; such as those occurring between skyscrapers) provided - not later than the second time within a few seconds since be.
Antwort von alfmo:

Lowlight For the good quality of this camcorder that pushes me the following question:
Be the Lowlightaufnahmen at Slashcam with a standard closing time was made or not? It might be that the automatic a very slow shutter speed and thus chooses the Still image looks very good, while the inclusion movement, however, then would show significant blurring.
With fell on that SonyHDR-XR520 when the Lowlight test not so good wegkommt, there is a slowest shutter speed 1 / 30 sec taken.
I believe this issue to assess the Lowlightfähigkeit a camcorder is very important.
Antwort von Jan:

Some magazines had filmed in the automatic, and for testing the preset exposure as a benchmark.
This is so good up to now the Magazine Video Active accused as their Canon HF 100 pictures just looked too bright. Sometimes it is a perfect setting is not possible, or the time is not there.
You can not synonymous setting each function of the camcorder know. We all make mistakes.
Often or almost always can be found at Canon, and Panasonic camcorders SonyHD the shutter speed to 1 / 50 or 1 / 25 set, synonymous with no manual shutter.
This often means a long exposure on / off. At "a" is 1 / 25 sec at Lowlight taken in "from" 1 / 50 sec at Lowlight.
That puts it slightly more accurate, but there are still problems. As you gain not everybody can cope Model. The company drives the gain to 30 dB high and other models at 18 DB and 24 DB.
Is a little difficult ...
Antwort von keyuser:

here you can see beautiful Lowlighteigenschaften:
Something herunterblättern, then you can test movies of SonyHDR-XR500, the SonyHDR-CX105 and the Canon HF100 to download and compare.
Antwort von Jan:

The magazine had the video asset XR 500 & 520 even as the best camera in the class view, before Canon HF S 100 and S 300th Panasonic SDR In line pairs resolution was even before the good anyway Panasonic. But it was very scarce.
Antwort von he2lmuth:

Even if your tripod all filmmakers are:
The SteadyShot is the best thing I ever had in their hands.
In Lowlightmodus is the shutter speed to 1 / 25 s and set the Maximum Gain of 18 to 24 dB. Had naves tombs and filmed, the Lowlightverhalten is excellent.
The menu structure is the very last one behind.