Frage von Suroos:
I'm new here in the forum and was a friend of this out:) I already have the other thread to read music, but still wants to lower it. I am looking for a camera with the best possible image quality (eg Canon HF 100), which is not necessarily the best sound must include. In addition, however, some manual setting possibilities, such as depth or viewfinders, etc., the HF 100 is no, because otherwise I draw directly to it would. Are there still alternatives in this price class? It should already have a good image so that it acts professionally as possible, so better HD. HD cut will not trouble me, because I have a quad-core processor was:)
For Memory: A hard drive must aufkeinen case, on the contrary, prefer an SD / SHDC card slot, or both. Please post just suggestions:) from MiniDV, I think not much, from experience of friends.
I hope my wishes I could formulate precise enough: D
Antwort von deti:

If only 1 music video and you be the HF-100-class is not enough:
- Right camcorder to rent the video and turn
- So hopefully something and earn money
- Possibly in a better camera to invest again if they do something to be filmed.
... or you live with the compromise of a Consumer Camera and halt aid you with a few tricks (such as an external HD monitor, if the production conditions permit) and a little more creativity ;-)
Antwort von RickyMartini:

How are we staged the video format?
If mainly the tape to see how it plays, or if there are more scenes between them give?
A storyboard should clarify many issues regarding the design and implementation.
Such shoots are Henkel men (HDV) quite good, because it is a very good image control and offer hand shots are very good.
Antwort von Daigoro:
In addition, however, some manual setting possibilities, such as depth or viewfinders, etc., the HF 100 unfortunately does not have The HF100 has a lot Tiefenschaerfe. :)
Antwort von PowerMac:

Always hiring!
Antwort von Suroos:

Thanks for the helpful answers:)
@ deti:
Hehe okay, alles klar:) But what brings as an HD monitor?
I mean, what if it brings, I have an LCD 42 "Full HD screen, but do not believe that it is what helps: D
@ RickyMartini:
So it should aufjeden event scenes dawischen give.
So the camera will not always be determined before the tape to be fixed.
@ Daigoro:
Hehe sorry, I know I am with the foreign words not so, but because there are options, like for instance, I focus only on a particular motive fix, and the background is blurred? How such a small wheel? I was told that it did not exist.
@ PowerMac:
Did we already considered synonymous, but honestly, we do not know where something is possible. In electrical shops we have already demanded (Photo Shop, Media Markt, etc.). The only thing we had found was a Internetmietversand, which we prefer to avoid.
Antwort von RickyMartini:

With the HF100 is probemlos at a subject in the foreground / middle ground sharply, while the background blurred out. About the joystick and the display is the manual adjustable.
Antwort von deti:
... Example to focus only on a particular motive fix, and the background is blurred? How such a small wheel? I was told that it did not exist. ... I do not want the arrogant across: maybe still would be a video course, a little literature or synonymous with someone more experienced for the Project necessary to clarify the relationship between aperture, object distance, depth and other essential Still image and film techniques to convey.
deti @ ...:
Hehe okay, alles klar:) But what brings as an HD monitor?
I mean, what if it brings, I have an LCD 42 "Full HD screen, but do not believe that it is what helps: D ...
You have argued that cameras in this price class do not have viewfinders. The problem is conditionally solvable by the fact that you connect an external monitor. From 42 "times, I would refrain, because the mobility in the shooting but severely restricts ;-)
Antwort von ksr:

You must look at "Camera Rental", etc. google, which are then pure rental houses (no electronics markets!) - exist in most large cities, the ship often synonymous, but that really should not be a problem (why is not it?).
On the subject of depth: This is simply the Schärferad - a good Vorder-/Hintergrundabhebung but there's only if the camcorder is the forth (depending of several factors, chip size, etc.), but this did you already get Camtipps.
But: Have you ever with its (HD-) Cam rotated? Especially if sharpness with manual work, should be strictly practiced, vswenn people move fast, it's not just rotated - I say only an indication, probably because you are a beginner in the field are. And with its HD-Cam is not synonymous of course all the gold, which is SD (= eg MiniDV) bronze was only ...
Antwort von Suroos:
... Example to focus only on a particular motive fix, and the background is blurred? How such a small wheel? I was told that it did not exist.
... I do not want the arrogant across: maybe still would be a video course, a little literature or synonymous with someone more experienced for the Project necessary to clarify the relationship between aperture, object distance, depth and other essential Still image and film techniques to convey.
deti @ ...:
Hehe okay, alles klar:) But what brings as an HD monitor?
I mean, what if it brings, I have an LCD 42 "Full HD screen, but do not believe that it is what helps: D ...
You have argued that cameras in this price class do not have viewfinders. The problem is conditionally solvable by the fact that you connect an external monitor. From 42 "times, I would refrain, because the mobility in the shooting but severely restricts ;-)
Deti Aaah okay. Haha, where to, I have not much idea that I make more friends, the real "producers" that with such a thing even longer deal. But no, it was not arrogant, on the contrary, many thanks for the info:)
@ KSR: Aaah okay, what have now actually found in our vicinity.
Well, I must still agree with my colleagues, but still very helpful to the tip, thank you:)
@ RickyMartini:
? I was explained it quite differently: D Also a big thank you for the explanation
Super forum, here! It will really help:)
Antwort von Chezus:

Tip of the Powermac, I would follow in all cases.
Lend you the equipment, if it's only music video is for 1.
There is no quick fix to what to buy.
Lends you a good HDV cam, or even the PMW EX-1 and ye Camera per day and approximately at 130 euros gross. With the EX 1 must be able to stop.
Then bissl accessories and their dürftet no more than 500 euros, with thick Equipment (Kamerakran, Steadycam or what I know)
Cam is a good self only s.750 Euro los.
For concert recordings lend me always synonymous several cameras and recorders 24Spur. Cam 4x the same for such purposes to have, just beyond my financial framework, and in most shooting enough for me simply a Cam. So ...
Antwort von PowerMac:
(...) @ PowerMac:
Did we already considered synonymous, but honestly, we do not know where something is possible. In electrical shops we have already demanded (Photo Shop, Media Markt, etc.). The only thing we had found was a Internetmietversand, which we prefer to avoid. (...) Is this a joke? Thou shalt not borrow in the media market, but when film technology Rental!