Frage von mike1987:
I got the new Magix Video Deluxe 2008 purchased the film leave my mother to handle. She has a new JVC Everio purchased.
Unfortunately, the program recognizes the camcorder not. The camcorder bestizt only one USB port and no FireWire.
Slowly, I am s.verzweifeln.
Can I get an opportunity or a program name with the film which I can finally edit?
Thank you in advance in advance!
Gruß, Michael
Antwort von Duisburger:

Hi Michael,
The new version Magix Video deLuxe is 15 as well as Video Pro X. Magix Video Deluxe 2008 was a year ago on the market - in the future you should always be the pros or Premium Version buy, which have many advantages over the Classic version.
Your camcorder, I know not, but Magix Video Deluxe 2008, not via USB capture. Use your camcorder to the included software.
Which format will then have your video files?
Antwort von mike1987:

Thank you for the quick reply!
Oops ... which I knew not.
There are. Mod files. Do you know any program that can capture via USB?
Because the supplied program unfortunately does not really have very good features.
Can the newer versions of Magix, or Pinacle?