Frage von Frank Behrend:
By coincidence, I just found out how to get with the Windows Movie Maker edited movies with minimal effort on your DVD player can play! It saves the edited file with the Movie Maker on the hard drive. Then it converts the file to by simply with the right mouse button and the File daraufklickt "manual" with the keyboard in "AVI" paraphrases. So, for example, "Film.wmv" is then "Film.avi". So! Then play your DVD player, the thing still does not. Repeat the step and then write the file to MPG around here such as "Film.mpg", again with the right mouse button (ignore the warning message that the file may become unusable thereafter might be). If you have the file, for example, with Nero burn, you can enable it on your DVD player on Television Watch. Is not? However, grade've tried it .....
Antwort von stefan:

My God, it's as simple as that?
Antwort von Manfred:

Works really smoothly. Thanks for the super tip !!!!!
Antwort von Abdullah:

: I have a question for you, and would like the films of Windows Movie Maker have been included on a DVD + R burn, but I can not film on the DVD player, they could help me with next?
With friendly greetings
Antwort von Bauzel:

: By coincidence, I just found out how to get with the Windows Movie Maker
: Edited movies with minimal effort on your DVD player can play! Man
: Saves the edited file with the Movie Maker on the hard drive. Then converts
: One to the file by simply with the right mouse button and daraufklickt
: File "manual" with the keyboard in "AVI" paraphrases. So such
: As the "Film.wmv" is then "Film.avi". So! Then play your
: DVD player, the thing still does not. Repeat the step and write the file
: MPG in order, here for example, "Film.mpg", again with the right
Mouse button (ignore the warning message that the file may become unusable after his
: Could). If you have the file, for example, with Nero burn, you can enable it on your
: DVD Player Watch on Television. Is not? However, grade've tried it .....
For me this does not work. The saved, I can not describe because I am still so much with the right mouse button inside can click. Since I can but do nothing to change the name. How are you doing this? You mean it is certainly not the simple rename the title, which is changing the format is not so!
If it somehow does, please describe it more precisely, I am desperate here.
Thank you!
Antwort von grovel:

So either Windows XP gives AOL incredible skills --
or we are dealing here with the biggest Dau of history to do so.
Antwort von Frank Behrend:

:-AT-Frank: And if you, instead of after. AVI, immediately after. MPG rename? Can it be
: Synonymous - or is the intermediate step is absolutely necessary?
: Interrogates curious
: Peter
That I have not auprobiert. Werd ich mal test. Have previously tried and the quality was much worse then. Had me about some burning programs when a film of the Cam on the same play and live burn, but it must work that simply refers to the file. Incidentally, I have good experience with the virtually free "Windows Movie Maker made. Had me recently synonymous nor a conversion program purchased, but the "manual" transcription has worked during the program only in the wrong direction of converting (ie of mpeg in avi etc..). Enjoy yet. Regards, Frank.
Antwort von Peter:

And if you, instead of after. AVI, immediately after. MPG rename? Can it be synonymous - or is the intermediate step is absolutely necessary?
Interrogates curious
Videofreunde zum Bild
Antwort von grovel:

Because doing so is completely new worlds for ...
* Sarcasm * and tschüss
Antwort von grovel:

Can someone please DELETE this horrible thread!
Not that it even more Daus find and try.
The above method does NOT work! No discussion --
Used to convert any files into a playable DVD to TMPGEnc DVD Author:
Free for 30 days: User Manual and FAQ can be found in German without any problems with the search for "Fahrenheit" in this forum.
SeeYa Groveler
Antwort von Benny:

Your shakes my world! ;-)
I do not think so, because what I read, I will also try soon :-)
In what I then move the *. mpg file when creating a DVD, so they synonymous in the DVD player read? *. vob files etc. I move into the VIDEO_TS folder and select previously create DVD video from ...
Thanks for the support
Antwort von grovel:

: Works really well.
Your shakes my world! ;-)
Antwort von Lukas Schaufler:

: So I have the Windows Media Player for the Mac, I can so the WMV files can
: Fair play with the WMP. Is this really a flip of tool designed to
: WMV files in Quicktime to convert files? Greetings, Benjamin
I do not hand in the fire, but I read it out here ...
Qualified Host Applications:
The WMV Import component has been qualified with the following host applications:
" QuickTime Pro
" Final Cut Pro HD
" Final Cut Express HD
" iMovie HD
" Cleaner 6
Antwort von Ben:

: Sorry .. have seen only too late that it has still not been published
: Is ... but here are the instructions to go to the beta version to come ...
: Lg
: Luke
So I have the Windows Media Player for the Mac, I can so the WMV files can normally play with the WMP. Is this tool of flip really meant, the WMV files in Quicktime to convert files? Greetings, Benjamin
Antwort von Lukas Schaufler:

Sorry .. have seen only too late that it has still not been released ... but here are the instructions to go to the beta version to come ... Lg
Antwort von Lukas Schaufler:

: Hey Luke,
: The first tip was not bad, but unfortunately the strike demo of this tool under
: My Mac OS 10.3, the wmv file to open it. Particularly, the tool costs about $ 500,
: Madness. I have now read that it is only on the way: WMP to AVI, then AVI
: MOV to (ie, Quicktime). In fact, helped me with Quicktime, because it can
: DVD player to read flawlessly. But of Quicktime to WMV is a hard road and I
:'ve Still found nothing. Maybe someone has an idea ever ... ? Thank you in
: Advance ...
Do you have the synonymous WMV codec installed on your Mac (sprich. .. you can play the files)?
Synonymous hab noch was favorable for the Mac found Lg
Antwort von Ben:

: Hy Benjamin ...
If you want a tool I have almost everything you can Umwandel and still synonymous
: On the Mac to run it, I recommend the home CleanerXL Discreet (currently
: * G *)...
: This program is only here to convert files ... but it still has its price ...
: Lg
: Luke
Hey Luke,
The first tip was not bad, but unfortunately the strike demo of this tool under my Mac OS 10.3, the wmv file to open it. Particularly, the tool costs about $ 500, madness. I have now read that it is only on the way: WMP to AVI, then AVI to MOV (ie Quicktime). In fact, helped me with Quicktime, because it allows the DVD player to read flawlessly. But of Quicktime to WMV is a hard road and I've still found nothing. Maybe someone has an idea ever ... ? Thanks in advance ...
Antwort von Lukas Schaufler:

Hy Benjamin ...
If you have a tool where you want me almost everything Umwandel can still synonymous and should run on a Mac then I recommend you CleanerXL home from Discreet (now * g *)...
This program is only here to convert files ... but it still has its price ...
Antwort von ben:

: It is. But the MPEG can not open editing program. It appears increasingly
: An error message. Playing as MPEG, for example with PowerDVD works ...
So now ask again: the rewriting of the file extension WMV to AVI or MPEG brings me nothing, any rate, the WMV file will not be on regular DVD player, so on TV. Diue question again: who knows a way to create a WMV file to convert it on the DVD player (TV) is playable? Although I have XP synonymous, but mainly looking for a way / tool for Mac OS X. Is there any people who are not with XP or Windows generally work? :-) Gruss
Antwort von Uwe:

It is. But the MPEG can not open editing program. It always appears an error message. Playing as MPEG, for example with PowerDVD works ...
Antwort von Nate:

I have a WMV file into an MPG file which I converted into easy to rename I'm gone and ..... . wmv is there now .... . mpg.Jetzt but I want the file back into the wmv format but it did not fungtioniert probiert now easily rename and ... . mpg 'is there again now ... . wmv is but a trotdem Mpg File WHY? The video does not work
Antwort von grovel:

Damn it, believe me, it's not!
Used TMPG to convert!
SeeYa Groveler
Antwort von mauriziogioviale:

If I file with the movie maker wants to open up, then he writes this format can not be opened werden.Mit the media player does that einwandfrei.Was am I doing wrong?
Antwort von sirio:

yes right!
Antwort von coconut:
yes right! What should the blödsinn if you only advertise your website want to do, you're here at the wrong place
Antwort von GOLF_BMW:

Toll, the sort works. Just rename it and you make an MPEG from WMV. I did not know that it is. But I've the same time extended to other areas. IS!
Did, for example, on my VW Golf in front and rear BMW 7 written on it ... and ... unbelievable ... Now I have a BMW 7 Series!
I can not grasp!
Document times today trying to upgrade my apartment. Write to the door my 3 bedroom apartment just "7-room luxury apartment."
I look forward! Will you report ...
Antwort von wolle 63:

I am now since about a week, making every attempt, as I WITHOUT much money and programs to get and already have a package blanks burnt, but for me works only if I am on DVD
Players applying a trick, but I can not but my relatives say, here is the CD but it will not run.
Like the writer before me has already written, I can ONLY by renaming a BMW do not golf.
I think because someone has allowed a joke, or I'm too stupid about this?
I would be delighted if anyone prove the contrary would write and how to do that!
Antwort von phasas:

is rubbish .. by renaming alone does not work that way, it depends on the coding to the ending, only a possible access, which does not mean that it is synonymous run. There are also error messages or anything like that. Only if the DVD player synonymous WMV files can be read, then it would go if you have a MPEG WMV to simply change the ending. heost but that does not mean that the player can resist MPEG, WMV to sondrn.
I think it is simply a joke, and finally if there is an MPEG renamed the runs, it must in any case, the synonymous WMV run.
So .. On the substance that counts and not on the look.
Antwort von steveb:

small tip: free and good Converter "super" (although Windows only).
This rename trick works (imho - but not always synonymous) in the Vobfiles "handisch in Mpg renamed.
Antwort von grovel:

Ok, ok,
I will from now on, whenever the thread back into the closet and disappears again excavated is me drunk go.
Because otherwise, this madness is hardly bearable.
So dear posters about you, whether its the method proposed here would really want to try and just rename your videos (and my answers with your kills brain cells) or whether you prefer to have the answers and guidance, and hear your video re-encoded ...
SeeYa Groveler
Antwort von J.C.:

Oh my God ... I have a movie for my sister, the married ... I can only with Windows Movie Maker to work ... Now I want the movie to a DVD so they burn it to DVD player can watch ... Did the rename with the already tried ... But it does not work ... heul * * I have to necessarily create and have only a few Roling ... WHO CAN HELP ME SERIOUSLY ?!?!?!
Hoffe auf ne speedy response ... THANK YOU!
Antwort von coconut:

Well, the fast is not so simple.
Try it with super ... damit...