Infoseite // RIP HDV - the AVCHD picture quality of the Canon HF100

Frage von Spaceman:

Got the HF100 increased. The image quality is the hammer. When viewing on my Panasonic Full HD projector has me almost off the shoes. The Camera is currently everything is on the market there to 10,000 EUR. The Resolutionund clarity of the image due to the advanced AVCHD codec is unbelievable. And in Size! Previously had the Canon XH-A1 and which comes with a long way. And I always thought that would be the ultimate. In direct comparison, the HF100 a better resolution / sharpness and not synonymous as a motion blur as the XH-A1. There are virtually no compression artifacts to see what I am always with HDV has disrupted. Probably, therefore, the picture is so clear. Have the feeling that this the end for (veraltetetn) HDV standard has come .... RIP HDV


Antwort von comix:

obvious troll is obvious.


Antwort von Chrissigorn123:

Lälles ... ...


Antwort von dvcut:

Say I have longer, the XHA2 is a real killer in the camcorder and compression to MPEG-4 is still a lot. SD Card 32GB for $ 100 and 4 hours of video enjoyment. Anyone buying a new calculator and all are happy. Christmas 2008, come. Schönes Wochenende.


Antwort von Login_vergessen:

Nonsense ... for early 2009 but is already the new AVCHD codec PLUS in the pipeline. DVCProHD quality, but the DV workflow.


Antwort von atheobe:

I would be interested in how the SD quality of the HF100 is perhaps in comparison to a good miniDV camera, if thou hast comparison experience ...


Antwort von K.-D. Schmidt:

Sharpness is not everything. Denk s.die women!


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